I'm sad.. It has been a good 2 years. Not sure what's wrong with her but most probably she had cancer. She had been bleeding from time to time, but the last 2 days were her worse. Called the doc yesterday, he was supposed to visit today. Well, she didnt make it. :'( The moon was still visible this morning when i looked up at the sky. Poor her, the moon loved her too.
I thought rabbits like human, had their menstrual cycle. I googled yesterday, only did i know rabbits do not ovulate like humans. Well, i hope she wasn't in much pain (i doubt it). I hope i had been a good owner. Prolly not so perfect, after all, my first pet. No more pets for me. Very sad. I miss her already.
[Food] Roadtrip to Keningau: Keningau Food.
5 years ago
R.I.P Fluffy
May her soul R.I.P. Only get to see her like once in a blue moon.
Hi... not exactly the most appropriate post to be leaving this comment on, but wasn't sure how else to leave a message. Anyway I'm just one of your former classmates; got bored and started googling people from SM All Saints. Visited your old blog too with your paper cuttings of bunnies etc, very cute lah! I beh tahan. Anyway it's Fiona Sanggang here, whether you remember or not. Ciao!
HI FIONA!!!!!!
Gosh! It's been such a long, long time since the last i heard of you!
How r u?! Of course i remember you! I think i kinda lost track of you after form 5 and that's like 10 years ago?
Hehehe..where are you now? Hear from you soon.
Rachael! It's Fiona Sanggang here. I managed to lose your e-mail (again). E-mail me back so I can save it this time? fionasanggang(at)hotmail.com
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