Bye Bye Fluffy...

I'm sad.. It has been a good 2 years. Not sure what's wrong with her but most probably she had cancer. She had been bleeding from time to time, but the last 2 days were her worse. Called the doc yesterday, he was supposed to visit today. Well, she didnt make it. :'( The moon was still visible this morning when i looked up at the sky. Poor her, the moon loved her too.

I thought rabbits like human, had their menstrual cycle. I googled yesterday, only did i know rabbits do not ovulate like humans. Well, i hope she wasn't in much pain (i doubt it). I hope i had been a good owner. Prolly not so perfect, after all, my first pet. No more pets for me. Very sad. I miss her already.


Mas Light said...

R.I.P Fluffy

Adrian Foo (符显杨) said...

May her soul R.I.P. Only get to see her like once in a blue moon.

Anonymous said...

Hi... not exactly the most appropriate post to be leaving this comment on, but wasn't sure how else to leave a message. Anyway I'm just one of your former classmates; got bored and started googling people from SM All Saints. Visited your old blog too with your paper cuttings of bunnies etc, very cute lah! I beh tahan. Anyway it's Fiona Sanggang here, whether you remember or not. Ciao!

Rachael said...

HI FIONA!!!!!!
Gosh! It's been such a long, long time since the last i heard of you!
How r u?! Of course i remember you! I think i kinda lost track of you after form 5 and that's like 10 years ago?
Hehehe..where are you now? Hear from you soon.

g..k..s..t..r said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Rachael! It's Fiona Sanggang here. I managed to lose your e-mail (again). E-mail me back so I can save it this time? fionasanggang(at)

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